Saturday, December 19, 2009

weight loss and santa

Wow..lots of snow...I think this is the third time in 21 years we actually closed the office.....

Reminder: NO baking cookies and doing the snow eating stuff I wrote about yesterday,....if you have gym equipment at home, work out!!!

Read an story about a British journal article attacking Santa for being a poor role model for kids because of the childhood obesity epidemic. Seems the author took offense of the "fat and jolly" role model, meaning thaqt kids list Santa as their favorite character, and the author contends this promotes kids to want to eat lots and be overweight like Santa.....

Attacking Santa would be akin to insulting one's just do NOT do this....

Helping our children learn healthier eating patterns is incumbent upon parents, and blame cannot be pointed at Santa.....

By the way...second favorite character that children pick? Yep, Ronald McDonald.....

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