Friday, December 11, 2009

Weight loss and corporate America

Good Friday Morning....

I read an article in the paper that a cereal manufacturer company is lowering the sugar content of their flagship cereals such as TRIX, Lucky Charms and Cocoa Puffs. (Isn't it amazing that these cereals were present even when old guys like me were kids!) This is a responsible act. Fast food companies targeting their ads to minorities with a high obesity rates is IRRESPONSIBLE.

I saw a cartoon months ago that was poignant. It showed Osama Bin Laden holding in his hand a food plate with a huge burger on it with fries and the caption was: "We don't have to do anything to them..they are doing it to themselves."

Corporate America, whether it be soda companies, fast food restaurants, candies etc are doing nothing illegal, and quite frankly nothing unethical, but it is always wonderful to see some acts of responsible behavior on their part. Obesity is killing America: Lets total this up: Swine flu which hits the front page weekly has killed 100 people. Obesity related diseases kill hundreds of thousands of Americans yearly. Many companies are selling us foods that are contributing to this killing epidemic. We need to turn them off.

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