Thursday, September 10, 2009

weight loss and mindsets

First, thanks Suzanne for the kind comment...I am glad Paul climbed the mountain successfully...after my episode of mountain sickness in Colorado, largest mountain I plan on climbing is the hill at Burke Lake Park.

The comment from Ms. Anonymous: "I have a sign on my refrigerator that says: Life is too short so eat good chocolate and good wine.....First: here is the Doctor's advice: REMOVE IT!!! Replace it with a sign that says "LIFE WILL BECOME SHORTER IF YOU DRINK TOO MUCH WINE AND EAT CHOCOLATE"

"Immediate gratification vs. Delayed gratification"...think this issue through as you go through your week. Eating/drinking a derailing food source is an immediate gratification. losing weight and becoming healhtier, happier and looking younger is a delayed gratification. using your credit card to buy a widescreen tv is an immditae gratifiaction. saving money for retirement is a delayed gratification/

Our human nature makes us want the immediate gratification but long term health requires us to strive for the long term. A difficult trade-off, but one that we all need to consider ...on many fronts.

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