Friday, September 4, 2009

weight loss and the holiday weekend

First, I want to thank Laval and Carmen for your very nice comments...I know all of my patients are busy and it is difficult to find the time to breath sometimes, no less log on and read this blog, so it is nice for me to know that this forum is helping some of my patients stay "focused". I have learned so much about why losing weight is so diffcult for so many people. Staying in the "zone" and remaining focused on your efforts is incredibly difficult and as soon as this focus is lost, we find ourselves back in old behavior patterns.

Okay team, we have a holiday weekend upon us. Picnics, parties, get-togethers, opening of colege football season...all of this is out there awaiting us. At every turn, there will be alcohol, high-caloric food sources and other sabotaging items and choices that could derial our efforts to be healthier and happier. Remember the mantra: There is no food i can eat that will taste as good as the weight loss feels.

Plan this weekend to enjoy the events, the people interaction, etc without having to succumb to poor food choices...lets stay focused!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am getting ready to leave to visit my daughter, and celebrate my granddaughter's 3rd birthday. My daughter is preparing special food so as to keep me on my diet. Your mantra will be repeated many times this weekend.
Have a nice weekend and thank you for this blog I can use all the help I can get.