Tuesday, September 22, 2009

weight loss and controlling the environment

Good morning....

Many of our patients travel as past of their occupations making following our dietary plan very difficult...Being in airports, eating at hotels, and attending nighttime business meetings over cocktails are all challenges that derail our efforts to lose weight.

If these are cirumstances that occur rarely, then the battle that week is lost, we pick ourselves back up and make the next bunch of weeks more successful. However, if this is the "norm" and travel is frequent then a different attitude is needed: The environment will not change for you...YOU NEED TO ADAPT TO THE ENVIRONMENT Learnign how to aqttned business meetings and NOT do the alcohol and excessive carbs, planning meals around airport time etc are all things that need to be adapted to in order to achieve the weight loss success you are striving for.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Another thought... If you are on the road traveling for work... someone at the office thinks you have skills! They are laying out the bucks for that travel.

Remind yourself of that outside confidence in you and reaffirm it! Use your skills to meet this challenge. You planned and packed an overnight bag, underwear, socks, etc... Plan and pack your carry on bag..throw in a bag of carrots, a pack of almonds, beef jerkey, cheese stick. Do a google search of your destination and see if there might be a grocery store close to your hotel. I've been surprised to finds some even within walking distance so double bonus..

After going through security, hit the newstand for a water bottle, sugarless gum. Seek out that salad on the room service menu with the dressing on the side and yes... order and eat it at the hotel BEFORE heading out to a dinner meeting. If you have something in your stomach when you are presented with the miriad of bread basket or heavy ordevores you will be more apt to politely say no thanks.. I'm saving myself for the entree. If you are pressed to try something from a colleage. Maybe a line that all the traveling has made your stomach a bit sensitive and you are trying to go easy. Or if you are ok with sharing, let them know you are working on shaving a few lbs.. you may even inspire them with your skills in staying on track.

Then the alcohol thing. We'll maybe set a before challenge to yourself... my limit is just one tonight.. stick to it and then drink the diet soda, club soda, water if you need the sensation of holding a drink throughout the event. If others comment on your not drinking.. maybe it's a phrase.. I've got an early morning tomorrow to get started on our project. You could even add "I'll be the first to buy you a drink when we close out this project." Chances are, if they are drinking a bit more than one... they might not remember the exchange.

And if you are traveling for pleasure, wedding, family get together.. much of same could still apply. Just plan for the successful vision of the experience. I'm only going to have one drink at the wedding. I'll just have a bite of the wedding cake and then move the plate out of reach. And plan time to hit the gym or run outdoors to offset the extras. You spend a lot of mental energy to maybe figure out the clothes you were going to wear to the wedding long before you left home. Use that same planning to navigate the hurdles at these out of town events.

If you are on a road trip and see signs up ahead that there is a detour.. do you throw your hands in the air.. turn on your heels and head home.. NO .. you are way too invested in the journey.. you just move around the roadblock. Find another way to get to where you are going.. and just accept it will take you a bit longer in time to get there. Happy travels to all! And in the words of Tim Gun (Project Runway fans..) "Make it work." You've got skills!