Monday, June 28, 2010

weight loss and the movies

One of the fun parts of going to the movie theater is going to that snack area and making decisions as to what to buy to eat while watching the movie. When you approach the counter the first smell that hits your senses is that popcorn. When you look at the available choices, foirst thing you notice is the incredible rip-off prices being charged for these drinks and snacks...but, we still buy them.especially the popcorn.....and now they have the self-dispensing butter topping.

The calorie count of the popcorn as well as the oversized candy boxes is tremendous. Moreover, we put ourselves in the realm of distracting eating....for hours munching on food sources while engrossed in the movie...a recipe for weight gain disaster.

Eat your meal before going to the movies and make a conscious effort to NOT go near that candy stand. You worked very hard the entire week and you do not want to wasted these efforts with a distracted eating at the movies mode!

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