Friday, June 4, 2010

weight loss and maintenance

I know you have read this before, but I think the point is worthy of another go round: The concept of not perceiving a "finish line" when you are in a mode to lose weight and keep that weight off. As mentioned before, the word we do NOT like to use is the "D" word...DIET....A "diet" implies a start date and an END date...and when we finiish the diet we go back to old behavior patterns. Of course, the old patterns result in weight gain.

Continuing to lose weight past your program visits or the maintenance of your weight if you have achieved your goal weight requires constant vigilance and monitoring. You MUST write that weight down once a week and have a PLAN if you see that number go up. If we have no plan or do not monitor the weight, it is incredibly easy to put back on every pound you lost.

We are certainly here as a resource for you...if the weight goes up a small amount, come in for one visit...we will provide you with the medical jumpstart, refocus you and get you back on track. Many people come back to us having gained back many pounds...they come in embarrassed, which they should NOT be, because we do understand these issues and know how easy it is to slip back into old behaviors.

Keep the awareness and vigilance...and if things slip a bit, come back to us for a quick "tuneup"

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