Tuesday, June 15, 2010

weight loss and attention

When you lose weight this will be noticed by many people....significant other, family members, friends and workplace colleagues/coworkers. Comments will be made and sometimes it is difficult for many to be the center of this "attention". Do you interpret the comments to be jealousy? Do you feel your attention to weight loss demeans the lack of effort of others you know who also have a weight control issue? Do you feel uncomfortable about being noticed?

Obviously some of us love the attention and cannot receive enough compliments about our new look. Others do not feel comfortable about constant comments coming their way,

Your weight loss will be noticed and I would propose that for those of you who do not feel entirely comfortable about this attention, try to think of yourself as an inspiration for others to follow suit. Your weight loss will lessen your chances of serious medical conditions and if your efforts motivate others to emulate you, then you may be saving lives other than your own.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Losing weight does change the dynamic with other people. Many friends are very happy for me and cannot stop encouraging and complementing me. But then there are others who are not comfortable with it - so they act like they did not notice that I have lost weight. They stop by with cookies and cakes, etc. and look offended when I say no. So I have to choose to either please them or take care of my body. I used to be such a people pleaser. In the past, I would have let such people guilt me into eating the brownie and then hated myself later on for giving in. No wonder it is always the "nice" girls who get fat. Sometimes it pays to be a little "b-t--y".