Wednesday, June 23, 2010

weight loss and exercise

Some really great news! We have aligned the Serotonin-Plus Weight Loss Program with two trainers in the area. One, Lisa Lutz, is a former Mrs. Virginia and still competes in body building competitions. Lisa is a certified personal trainer and also has an image consulting business. Lisa also happens to be the daughter of Angela Melton, our Nurse Manager.

Lori Zarcone works out of Golds gym locally and she will be offering a free one hour training session for all of our patients. Lori is passionate about helping people lose weight and most certainly exercise is the other end of the equation..calories coming in/calories being burned off.

Incorporating exercise is an important part of a long term weight loss strategy. By no means are we expecting people to run marathons and we understand completely that due to orthopedic limitations/time limitations it may not be possible to do extreme amounts of exercise. However, each of us should attempt to incorporate an exercise program for ourselves that individually makes sense. Please call our office: 703-866-4144 to find out how you can meet one of our trainers and start incorporating an exercise regimen to your lives. Doing so will go a long way in helping you with weight control longterm.


Simple ole Paratrooper said...

Doc --- not right forum - however do not know any other way to communicate with you other than in your office or SGCC gym. MOST disappointed after talking with your staff today on jump starting the program again per your blogs. Sad to hear from them the cost and requirements. Was not this way before. In my opinion not user friendly. Guess I will just rely on your blogs and methods from before.

A patient and fellow SGCC gym rat

Sean said...

I stopped coming in for visits last Spring...would I still be eligible for a free session with the trainer?
