Friday, April 9, 2010

weight loss and investment

We all spend money on "necessary" payment, food, clothes, children's schooling needs etc. We also spend "discretionary" monies on recreational things, such as eating out, hobbies such as golf, vacations etc. We make decisions all the time as to where to direct our hard=earned money.

What is it worth if you could "buy" living for more years free of disease processes such as heart disease or diabetes? What would it be worth to you to look and feel 10 years younger? What price would you pay to be able to wear those clothes in the closet that no longer fit?

The answer for most people: Those above mentioned things are worth LOTS.

Whether it be investing in a piece of gym equipment for your home, hiring a personal trainer, or even entering a weight loss program such as ours, your investment into your own health and happiness is the very best investment you can make.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good Advice! Thanks :)