Sunday, April 25, 2010

weight loss and confidence

Over the past several months I have had several new patients enter the program and their major motivation was the fact that they were trying to get back into the workforce after having been previously laid off and they felt they would be seen more favorably at a healthier weight.

When we look our best, we all tend to have a heightened confidence level that translates into carrying ourselves more confidently. Whether it be interviewing for a job, trying to get a promotion at work or even on the personal front of seeking a relationship, when we are able to reach and maintain a healthy/confident weight, many apsects of our lives will improve.

1 comment:

brownsugar722 said...

Too true...nothing kills public speaking more than walking up to the front of a room knowing that your bum is following you a about a mile after. :(

As my body has become more svelte, I am walking a more errect.