Wednesday, April 14, 2010

weight loss and alcohol

Previous entries here have raied against the use of alcohol as this lingestible liquid really derails weight loss efforts. There is something more damaging than the calories contained...there is something about alcohol that skows down metabolism,

Social functions nand vacations ntend to be the most harardous environments for the use of an excessic=ve amoiunt of alcohol.

Certainly a light wine will do much less damage than a Pina Colada. Downing a 6 pack of beer damges more than 2.

Try to NOT build your vacations around alcohol (such a s touring wib=ne country vacationa) andmost certainly do not put yourselves in all incluive reorts where you maty drink as much alcohol and eart as much food as you want.

Keeping alocohol to a bare minimum will help your quest to be healthier happier, younger and better about yourself

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Dr. Posner, I am wondering about cooking with white zinfendel. If you cook with alcohol and you bake or simmer it for a certain amount of time, is it ok? Perhaps using it once a week?