Friday, March 19, 2010

weight loss and the spring

First, I want to thank Anonymous for the comment yesterday....At times, I rag on companies (like fast food restaurants), insurance companies, doctors, the government, lawyers, politicians, etc. as these relate to the obesity crisis in America. (Laughing...why did i throw lawyers into this group? Because we all rag on lawyers...kind of like blaming the dog when a malodorous smell occurs! And now I will get an angry e-mail from one of my best contributors to this blog dissing me for ragging on lawyers again!)

Seriously, I do not mean to lump "all" politicians, doctors, insurance company execs etc. as being evil and purposefully contributing to the obesity crisis. There are MANY physicians, who despite NOT being reimbursed by insurance companies, will spend much time with patients trying to help with preventative care. Physicians, nurses and teachers will spend lots and lots of time helping people and are NOT on that good old billable hour clock like some other professions (oops...lawyers got dissed again). My comments about physicians are more about the lack of training we get in helping with weight loss and the lack of time that is available to become involved. I have an incredible respect for my colleagues on many many fronts. I LOVE staying involved with my primary care practice and am LUCKY to be able to also have a role in helping people lose weight...not just my own patients but others.

Warm weather is here,.,we are shedding those winter clothes and can now envision the scene at the swim club pool that is only 3 months away. GREAT time to start exercising more than we did during the winter. If walking is yout thing, please consider interval training...walk for a bit...then time a slight jog for 20-30 secomnds....then walk again for 2 minutes..then the slight jog again. Getting the heart rate up and down will burn off more calories and as you shed the weight, you will find yourself able to spend more time in the jogging mode.

Donna Eckenrode, the very BEST Physicians Assistant in the country, is running a marathon this weekend, and has GREAT training tips. Feel free to contact Donna if you would like some insights as to how to build up endurance.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We know you are a good physician who means the best for your patients.


Best Wishes :)