Wednesday, March 24, 2010

weight loss and counting portions

Yesterday I placed several new patients into our program and there was a commonality: all had been in previous weight loss efforts and all seemed frustrated that "counting portions" was a necessary part of our program. I most certainly understand that frustration as we all have many important things going on in our lives, and worrying whether we just ate 4 ounces of chicken vs. 6 oounces at times is a nusance.

Unfortunately there is no way around this. The Atkins plan did seem originally to get around this as no counting was all the protein and fat you wanted...just no fruits and carbs. No counting was necessary. However, studies have come out showing that over 98% of the patients who follow that plan put ALL of their weight back on within a year. Why? Because eating NO carbs and NO fruits is completely artificial, and as soon as the person goes back to eating carbs and fruits, if portions are not counted, every bit of the weight will go back on.

Losing weight is question about is a matter of maximizing proteins and vegetables, minimizing carbs and fruits and avoiding alcohol. Counting portions is work...but the work results in you being much healthier, happier, looking younger, looking great in your clothes, having energy etc. Yes, counting portions is lots of work, but the results warrant the efforts.


Anonymous said...

Does your 20% discount you allow patients on Medicare also apply to your Diet program?

Sandra Anderson said...

It seems that "counting portions" is a reasonable price for long-lasting result...

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