Tuesday, January 19, 2010

weight loss and the internet

The internet in many ways epitomizes the human condition. This great technology allows for instant communication with your friends and loved ones, obtaining information about politics, health etc in an instant, being able to book your own airline trips, shop etc. An amazing technology created by some of the most brilliant minds the world has ever seen. The very best of humanity. And now flip to the other side: the biggest industries on the internet? Porn and gambling. Identity theft, fraud, scam businesses, etc...another element of the human condition uses this great technology to hurt people.

Often, I have patients come in perplexed by conflicting medical information they receive off the internet. Purported studies that show certain medications they are on are dangerous to them to certain testing that they should be having. The internet provides a wealth of information, sme of which is right on target and some way off.

Concerning weight loss,, you are often bombarded by popups trying to tell you about miracle weight loss pills. The ads are quite convincing and compelling and it is very tempting to take out that credit card and buy. BEWARE!!! Just as recent as yesterday there was a news expose about some supplement being sold from overseas on the internet that has been having many serious side effects associated with this.

Use the internet to research the medical issue that is of concern, but please make certain to check with your physician before purchasing any medication or supplement.

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