Thursday, January 7, 2010

weight loss and health

Yesterday I had a patient come in for her appointment bearing a copy of laboratory blood testing that she recently had at her physician's office. She happily pointed out a marked decrease in her serum triglycerides, cholesterol and blood sugar that occurred since she began the weight loss program. At one point her physician was recommending medications but now the numbers are not even close to requiring medical intervention.

Weight loss has an incredible positive effect on a number of issues that can affect our health. High lipids leads to the clogging of arteries, which in turn, leads to an increasing risk of stroke, heart atack and peripheral vascular disease. Lowering these numbers lessens your chances.

It is great to see this on paper, so if you have not had recent testing on your lipids or sugar, get this done. This will produce a positive psychological impetus to keep full steam ahead with your efforts.

Receiving positive feedback about your aesthetic improvement that accompanies makes you feel great but also seeing the physiological improvements is another motivator.

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