Friday, October 9, 2009

weight loss an "treats"

This morning I saw a patient who has been doing GREAT in the program (as most of you do!!!) and she did tell me she had one sidetrip off the dietary plan by eating some chocolate. I asked her where the chocolate came from and she told me that her boss has a candy dish on her disk.

Attention bosses, non-bosses and anyone else at the workplace who has a desk that is visited by others: Obesity is the NATION'S LARGEST HEALTH CONCERN. AMERICANS ARE DYING EARLY AND DEVELOPING VERY BAD DISEASES BECAUSE OF OBESITY... DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT HAVE CANDY DISHES ON YOUR DESK.

If you value your co-workers/employees lives, why tempt them with snack sources that contribute to declining health? What you think is some sort of "treat" is in fact, a sabotaging effort that is contributing to the declining health of America and a time when we can least afford this. Please think about these issues before "treating" someone....

Okay...bring on the comments!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What your saying is very true, but "chocolate" IS a treat, and it takes self-discipline to have just a piece. One piece of chocolate isn't going to put 5 lbs on a patient. If they have the will-power and desire, one piece will suffice. I am a boss and I do have a candy jar on my desk...and I have noticed that most of my employees that help themselves to the chocolate, can afford to treat themselves. Instead of taking all of the treats away, we need to self-motivate and have some self-discipline. I know it takes work...but its all in the mind!