Tuesday, October 20, 2009

weight loss and being there for others

Good morning,...First, Suzanne, I wish your mother a speedy and excellent recovery....it is VERY hard to see our parents deteriorate physically...it is a physical and mental challenge being able to start taking on the "parenting" role to our own parents.

Suzannes comment actually prompted my blog topic this morning. We are looked upon by many people to be a support system. Whether it be our spouses who need our support, to our aging parents to our children (whose generation seems to need this support for lots more years than the boomers needed/got from our parents)...we, the baby boomers (and if you were not born between 1948-1964 then stoill read this cause in about a decade or so, this will apply to you as well) find ourselves with our own health issues but yet, we still are the primary source of support for so many people.

However, if our own health suffers, we will be in no position to help those around us who are reliant on our support. Losing weight will put you in a healthier situation, ward off chronic diseases, and will allow you to live longer in a healthier state. Obviously, if is great to be healthier so YOU can enjoy retirement and the fruits of your labors, but also, you will be bteer positioned to help those family members who need you. With people living longer because of the excellent derugs and surgeries available, and our childrens generation being the "boomerang" generation (they do come back after college) we all need to be healthier. Losing weight is a huge step in getting back that health.


Anonymous said...

I still enjoy using the term ’sandwich generation’ used by Dr.P in one of his ancient newsletter! Now the ‘boomerang generation’ Makes lot of sense!

Susanne said...

Thanks for the words of encouragement. I am definitely feeling the middle of the "sandwich" right now. Dealing with issues here with a parent and at this time not being able to help out at home caring for a grandchild.
I'm just trying to make the middle of the sandwich "turkey" and not "balogna"!
I never do well emotionally when I return to where I grew up and find myself reverting back to old habits, especially under stressful situations.
I would like to pass along something I heard from a caretaker who works in a nursing home.
"The sun setting can still be as beautiful as the sun rising".
We are still lucky to have 4 generations in our family and cherish when we can all be together. I found this quote to be so meaningful. We are taking one day at a time.