Thursday, October 8, 2009

weight loss and "breaks"

Frequently when we have patients who need to lose much more than 30 pounds, and these patients stay past the initial 12-week phase, at some point the following statement comes out " I need a break." What is meant by this? More often than not, money expenditure has nothing to do with this. Rather, it is the mental stress and "work" involved in the act of losing weight.

The gaining of weight takes no effort at what is fun, do not plan any meals, and do what is easy. To lose weight requires much energy, thought , planning etc. You cannot just wake up, eat Captain Crunch berries and cream for breakfast, reach for a piece of cheescake for dessert, etc...One must plan their meals, strategize their meal plans and forego foods and drinks that provide immediate gratification.

Needing a mental "break" from your efforts to lose weight is a natural feeling, but if it turns into a prolonged venture back to old behaviors, then weight will go right back on. Guaranteed. Always remember that you are making the choice to be happier and healthier. It is a great choice.


J said...

Isn't that the truth, Doc! I do not have a high metabolism and I love Capn Crunch, Golden Grahams, and Cinnamon Life, not too mention cake, brownies, pie, and cherry cheesecake - my favorite!I love the immediate gratification but know that I need to make it up for it. Because I do indulge often, I make sure to workout 5 days a week; mainly cardio. Because of my indulgences, my weight fluctuates 5lbs weekly.

I agree with you completely..very easy to put on weight and it takes discipline and motivation to maintain or lose. I find having a workout partner is a great way to stay motivated and on track!

Sparkey said...

Dr P you are so right. I became defiant this week took a break and overate and did not exercise. I cannot explain why but I know defiance is from past behavior and because of my actions this week I have gained 9 pounds. Do you know how long it took me to lose nine pounds?

My last visit results were far from productive and Dr P told me I have to make a decision to work the program. I have not made much progress in several weeks and I have to figure out what I am doing wrong and what I am doing right. I am proof that a break is nothing but a backward slide and the slide comes at a price. My weight gain is proof. I did not report to my appointment today and I must reschedule. It is 2:09 on October 10 and I am re-committed to the Seritonin Plus Program. I know it works. I would like to find a workout buddy to keep on track.