Wednesday, June 24, 2009

weight loss and food makers..a cospiracy?

My son, Brian forwarded me the above article in the NY Times which discusses a book written by the ex-FDA head.

The book focuses on the admixture of sugar, salt and other ingredients that food makers purposefully put into high-caloric foods to get the consumer to obssess about the food source and crave it. Supposedly, cookie makers, certain restaurants and other groups in the food industry specifically blend their ingredients in ways that make us insatiable for their products. They are trying to tap into our brain chemistries to "force us" to eat their foods.

I do believe that there is a complex interplay of brain chemistries and eating issues. However, I am not certain there is a complete understanding on the Oreo's manufacturer that the exact amount of middle cream filling depletes serotonin at the 2-C receptor sites, thereby causing increased cravings.

Clearly, there is a difference amongst individuals between their cravings, level of satiety etc. Some of this has to do with brain chemistries, peripheral stomach receptor issues and learned behavior patterns. However, it is a stretch to think that food manufacturers tap into our brain chemistries in a purposeful manner. I do think they hire taste-testers that say."Yep, that tastes better than the other one!"

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