Saturday, June 20, 2009

weight issues in America

I was reading Suzanne's comments from yesterday concerning the approach to weight loss 20 years ago and commercial weight loss programs such as the Diet Center.

One of the programs that has withstood the test of time is Weight Watchers. The reason why I believe they have been around so long is that the plan is not some "fad" diet plan and there is not this "sell, sell, sell!" mentality instilled in the staff.

Any plan that will have a chance of long-term success must utilize "real" food...not the prepackaged meals or liquid diets.

We have much more knowledge now than 20 years ago about the association of weight problems with medical problems...we have always known abou the diabetes, heart disease, arthritis but, sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, certain cancers such as pancreatic and breast, are linked to obesity. So if we know more now about this, then why are weight problems more preevalent now than 20 years ago?

Any comprehensive healthcare reform in the US MUST include some strategy about reducing weight problems in America. Reducing obesity, especially childhood oobesity will tremendously lessen expenditures on medical problems. It is MUCH less costly to prevent a heart attack than to treat one.

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