Monday, June 8, 2009

weight loss and age

Last week we entered several women into our program who were in their 70's. Unlike most people who enter our program greater than age 50, they were on no medicines and had no previously diagnosed weight-related medical problems. When queried, it seemed that their major motvation for coming into our program was to look younger and more fit.

Usually, when we think of people i their 70s, the image of a nurturing grandmother appears. My grandmother Sadie when she was alive was constantly cooking, insisting that we all eat lots, and she, herself had really large flabby arms. I would bet that she didn't think for one second about how she would look in an evening dress, what other people thought about her weight isue, etc.

Different times/different generation. There is no reason why anyone, at any age, should not be "allowed" vanity thoughts...wanting to look younger, fit better into clothes, wear my stylish clothes, etc. Feeling a higher level of confidence and self-esteem are things we all are entitled to independent of age and losing weight helps us gain that confidence level back.

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