Thursday, January 22, 2009

weight loss and boredom

Face it....the act of losing weight is not fun. What's fun is the end result...feeling much more energy...looking years younger...getting compliments...getting rid of some medications...all of these are lots of fun...but the journey to get there is not a walk in the park. How can you make this less "boring"? How can you make weight loss NOT seem like sacrifice and deprivation? Let's face reality: giving up fun food sources, alcohol containing drinks etc. is not a very easy/fun activity. Being at a restaurant and watching everyone else reach for the bread, order desserts, have several cocktails etc...this takes away from the "fun".

Here are a few suggestions: keep a list handy with you at all times that outline how your life will change if you lose weight. Remember that the reasons why you want to lose weight are so important to you, that you have sacrificed lots of money and time trying to get there. Are you tired of having to take meds for high cholesterol, hypertension, diabetes? Are you tired of feeling uncomfortable in your clothes? Are you just plain tired all the time? Do you feel unattractive to yourself and others? These are the reasons why you embarked on a weight loss effort....remember them. Come up with some innovative food preparation ideas that are tasty yet not high in calories. Share these with your friends who are also trying to lose weight. Exchange e-mails with each other that are helpful hints of how to make this process of losing weight seem less like an ordeal of sacrifice and deprivation. If you can focus on the reasons as to why you want to lose weight, you will be more apt to make the correct choices and be sucessful in your efforts

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