Friday, January 16, 2009

weight and the frigid cold

I took Tanner out for a walk at 530 AM and it felt like the tundra out there! VERY frigid, very dark and even later, there is no way you will want to be outside for any length of time. I believe the forecast is the same for the weekend. This will mean substantial "housetime". Sometimes, when we found ourselves bound to the house, either because of snow or really cold temperatures a certain boredom sets in. Sometimes this boredom leads us to the kitchen, either to create something fun, like a really cool cake or hit the fridge several times to see what nice things await us. If we are watching Rocky for the 25th time, we will also strongly consider microwaving up some popcorn to keep our hands busy as we watch.

Bottom line: Lots of housetime may lead to eating/snacking behaviors that are not conducive with our efforts to lose weight. Try very hard not to fall into this trap. Hopefully, you have some exercise equipment at home, and this housetime can be converted to a more aggressive exercise day. Also, small repetitive food sources such as nuts, popcorn, trailmix, etc should NOT be used while watching TV or a video. Distracted eating will cause much more intake then you planned. If you go out to the movies, do not be tempted by that huge bag of popcorn. Go to the movies right after lunch or dinner so you do not feel any hunger for that snack food at the theatres. You will also save lots of money!!! (4 dollars for a flat 20 ounce soda, are they kidding???) Have a great weekend! Catch you tomorrow!!!!

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