Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Relative Values

Let's talk business: The value of your house has fallen dramatically. The value of your retirement account(s) have fallen by almost 1/2. The value of your other investments has fallen tremendously as well.

The value of your health? This has increased by a tremendous amount. Strictly talking business, this is what I mean: When your house and other holdings were valued at much higher levels, if God forbid you suffered a major health setback, you had lots more financial cushion to fall back on. If you had to be out of work for months, your financial situation allowed for you to maintain your current lifestyle until you were able to return to work. Now, perhaps some/many of us have much less leeway in the event of a disabling illness. A medical illness could cause significant financial hardship to us and/or our loved ones.

Your response? Commit yourself to a healthier lifestyle. If you are overweight (and if you are not, why are you reading this blog???) make every effort possible to lose that weight. Much less chance of heart disease, diabetes and cancers will result. If you are drinking lots of alcohol, cut back significantly. If you are a smoker, obviously find a way to quit.

Your body's value has risen significantly and you owe it to yourself and loved ones to keep that body as healthy as possible.

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