Monday, January 26, 2009

weight and energy

Many of our patients notice that when they lose a substantial amount of weight, their energy levels improve markedly. I often hear these patients remark that when they were very overweight, they didn't realize just how low their energy levels had become. It was almost as if their low energy levels gradually took over and they were "lulled" into thinking this energy "status quo" was acceptable. Only when they lost the weight and gained their energy back did they recognize just how bad the situation was.

Can you imagine what it would be like to carry a 30-50 pound weight in your arms the entire day? Just how tired you would be at the end of that day? If you are weighing 30 or more pounds above your acceptable body weight, basically, it is the same concept. Losing that weight makes it much easier for your joints and internal organs to function.

Take a step back and assess your own energy levels: Do you basically "crash" at the end of your workday? Do you find yourself not having the "get up and go" that you used to have? Do you find yourself complaining to your family and/or friends about how tired you are?

Losing weight will allow you to get your energy levels back and let you enjoy life much more!

1 comment:

Susanne said...

Speaking of energy and extra weight...On Saturday I went hiking at Fountainhead Park for about 3 hrs with family and friends. On the way out, my 3 year old granddaughter decided she was tired and we took turns carrying out this extra 30 pound weight for the last few miles. It sure slowed down my progress and makes you realize that carrying extra weight does make a difference. We were all pretty tired by the time we got back to the cars, but the little one was ready for snacks! We tailgated on celery, pb, carrots and yogurt! After that we all felt great but were pretty chilled and ready to get back to our warm homes.