Monday, January 19, 2009

Weight loss and alcohol

As mentioned in previous entries, the use of alcohol really slows down the rate of weight loss. There is something that alcohol does to the metabolism over and beyond its caloric content. Many people, by habit, drink several glasses of wine every night. They are not alcoholics...there are no DUIs, family tension, poor work performance etc...the alcohol does not impair the persons life either professionally or personally. However, weight may very well be affected by this alcohol consumption. When I see a patient who has a difficult week and the scale either stayed the same or went up, the first question I always ask is about alcohol consumption that week, and inevitably, the answer is "Yes, I had a few drinks".

Last week a patient in our program who is doing well told me that the way she avoids the alcohol on weekends is always offering to be the designated driver. This "forces" her to not drink at all. Yes, she admitted that she misses the weekend alcohol consumption, but for her, the weight loss is more important. Making weight loss your priority will allow you to be healthier and happier.

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