Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Stress eating

No matter what the outcome of the election is today, remember that ingesting lots of calories will not: 1) change the outcome if you are not happy with the results 2) make you feel better tomorrow morning about the outcome 3) positively effect your long term goals

Stress eating is a constant theme that we have discussed previously, but there is much angst that surrounds a presidential election and today will not be an exception. Some people are more "into" the election than others, and will tend to be hanging on every word tonight uttered by the numerous news anchors and talking heads/pundits. If you are in a weight losing mode, please do not starta distracted eating pattern, meaning ingesting popcorn, nuts, chips and other small, high-caloric repetitive food sources as you watch. You will consume far too many calories without even knowing it.

Linda writes a great blog at: www.stresseaterdiet.com and I would strongly encourage you to read this daily, especially today.

Whether your candidate wins or loses, please remember that at all times your health is the most important issue, because no matter what happens politically, if you fall ill to a devastating illness, you will not care for one minute who is President.

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