Friday, November 14, 2008

The Economy and Weight Loss

Yesterday I had a patient who was laid off from work, and he experienced a significant weight gain in 1 week. Due to stress of thinking through his financial issues and quest for new employment, he was at his computer constantly, and unfortunately, had at his side high-caloric food sources. His intake of these snack foods was a reaction to stress and although he immediately recognized that this eating behavior wasn't helping any of the reality issues, it seemed that he could not stop this.

Remember at all times that stress-eating does not solve only adds to some negative feelings and low self-esteem. When interviewing for new employment, looking your best will only help your chances. Taking ownership of what you are ingesting is difficult, yet looking in the mirror and telling yourself "I Control what I put into my mouth" is an important step. If there is extra time in your schedule because of a down employment cycle, convert some of that time to aggressive exercise. Sweating and getting the heart rate up help dissipate stress and the bonus is that you will look healthier. Additionally, as I have mentioned previously, due to the stock market collapse, we will all need to work for more years than expected, so being healthier is important to keep us at work and not, god forbid, hospitalized or otherwise physically unable not to work.

Additionally, as we all are at a computer daily, make it a rule that you never will eat any food sources while at your computer. Distracted eating will only worsen a weight problem.

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