Friday, November 21, 2008

Shopping for Thanksgiving

This weekend many of you will be shopping for the food that you will prepare for Thanksgiving. The traditional foods such as turkey, ham, etc provide lots of protein, but the "peripherals"...i.e. the stuffing, potatoes, breads, desserts etc will be the challenge. As I tell anyone that enters our program, we do not expect anyone to NOT partake of some of the tradtional food sources a holiday brings. However, try very hard to not "over-indulge" on these sources. Perhaps make a list of the 10 food or drink items that would be detrimental to your weight loss efforts and only buy/have around the house 5 of them. When you shop, try to make sure you have choices that will be tempting, yet less caloric. Perhaps one of the dessert choices can be a sugar free jello with a low caloric whip on top. This is surfe to bring in 600 less calories than apple pie and ice cream.

Following this holiday in the next weeks will bring even more opportunities to sabotage your weight loss efforts, so please consider starting now by reconciling your desire to have a great loving holiday with your family, friends, and loved ones and stil maintain your quest to live longer and be healtheir and happier.

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