Thursday, November 5, 2009

weight loss and the younger generation

Good morning....First..I BLEW the date of our 21st Annual Patient Appreciation Night.....It is Friday DECEMBER 4!!!!!!!! PLEASE mark this on your calenders...The staff and I would LOVE to see you that night.....

Okay, some political observations.....In New Jersey the incumbent Governor lost, and as per one of my previous blogs, during the race, the incumbent apparently made disparaging comments about his opponent's weight. Well, now the thin guy is out of office and the overweight gentleman who was disparaged won. Regardless of whether you are a Democrat or a Republican, you gotta love the fact that perhaps one of the reasons the incumbent lost was because of insenstive remarks about someones weight. With America being 67% overweight, I guess the majority of voters had a BMI greater than 25 and made their voices heard. KUDOS to the New Jersians. Weight has NOTHING to do wth the ability to lead a state, teach a child, work on a government contract, etc.

Second: Lead article in some papers about the US Army having problems clearing recruits to join as 75%, let me repeat, 75% of the eligible young men could not fit the physical criteria, most of which were weight control issues. Obesity is killing Americans and the childhood/adolescent rate is dangerously high. These overweight yiung people will turn into even more overweight adults and trhe subsequent co-morbidity dieseases such as diabetes], heart disease, etc. will skyrocket even more resulting in disaster. The threat to America comes from many external forces, but internally, we are doing more harm to ourselves. Your oile in this? As a parent, grandparent, uncle/aunt etc., do NOT feed into this problem by not intervening with this issue oif you have young family members experiencing weight issues. Get proactive!

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