Monday, July 20, 2009

Weight loss...The War vs the Battles

During this time of year, many of us take vacations and upon return, are dismayed by what we see on the scale. I try very hard to keep the patient upbeat, explaining that a vacation week is very challenging, and certainly, the fun of any vacation includes the food/restaurants associated with the trip. If some weight gain occurs, it is NO BIG DEAL. The example I provide is this: Your weight loss goals are the "War" and every week will be somewhat of a "Battle". There will be times in which we may lose that week, but if we have more "wins" than losses, the weight will keep coming down. Internal issues, external saboteurs, etc. will make vacation weeks quite difficult to lose weight. The point here is to make the weeks before the vacation and after the vacation "win" weeks. Take note of what happens on the scale and that have the fortitude to aggressively counteract what happened on the scale the week before.

As I tell everyone entering our program, for some reason we have been built, as humans, to be a weight gaining specie. Least we doubt that, please tell me how many of you crave broccoli as opposed to chocolate. Losing weight is a war to some extent, but it is a great war to win..your life can depend on it.

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