Saturday, July 18, 2009

Planning your exercise

At every patient visit, I usually inquire about what exercise took place that week. More often than not, my questions are usually met with "it was a busy week"..."I walked..." or an anxious laugh occurs and I hear " I just don't have the time..."

For some people, exercise is a stress-reducing action which becomes somewhat addicting, meaning that if an injury occurs and the habitual exerciser cannot exercise, that person becomes very keyed up. We have all heard of the "runner's high", and there are definitely internal chemicals that spike during exercise that result in a global"feel-good".

Unfortunately, for most others, the thoughts of running on a treadmill, sweating on an elliptical or attending a spin class is abhorrent.

Obviously, as you lose weight, it becomes easier to exercise as you are moving around less pounds.

If you are not exercising regularly right now, I implore you to set up an appointment with Joanne. This is FREE and part of what you are paying for. Joanne can help you decide what the best exercise will be for you, and this does need to be individualized because everyone is unique with their orthopedic limitations, time constraints, etc.

There are two ends of the weight loss equation: calories coming in and calories you are burning off...try to work on both ends!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bless you, Dr. P :)
That's what I am here for. And exercise doesn't mean "run a marathon" . After I assess each client, I listen to them and strive to develop an exercise routine/program which meets THEIR goals, but also THEIR NEEDS. We all move differently. And we ALL have challenges. I want exercise to be fun. I want exercise to be part of each client's LIFE; without second thought or special planning and preparation.
Joanne Johnson