Wednesday, July 22, 2009

"too Busy"

At pretty much every patient encounter I ask questions about following one of the phases of our dietary plan, how much exercise took place, whether a food diarys was kept and if this blog and chat room has been read daily. Almost always, I do not get a "yes" to all of these inquiries and although I do not ask "why", the person will usually quickly offer up this explanation: " I was too busy."

Quite frankly, this is a very good reason. Between work responsibilities, family needs, travel time, etc., there is precious little time to focus on yourswelf. Writing in food diaries, exercising, reading this (brilliant...okay, maybe not brilliant) blog etc takes time...and time seems to disappear on us.

To lose weight and maintain that weight loss requires focus and attention. The more distracted we get with life's activities and our daily responsibilities, the less success we achieve in weight loss. Remember at all times that without our health, all of the other things that seem so important become much less so. Losing weight will allow you to live longer , be healthier, and maintain your current lifestyle. Do not get "too busy" to forget these important reasons as to why losing weight is so important to you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Dr. Posner,

I really look forward to and enjoy your blogs. I have done well on the program, but reading your blog makes me feel I am not doing this solely on my own. I will continue to read it after I "graduate" so that I will maintain my weight. Thanks!