Tuesday, February 24, 2009

weight loss and fighting boredom

Chicken/vegetables....chicken/vegetables.....tuna fish/salad....BORING!!!

Many people, as they are avoiding the food sources that would be detrimental to their weight loss efforts, feel a huge boredom factor set in. The "fun"foods are no longer part of the plan. High protein/low carb meal plans can become quite mundane.

This weekend we bought a crockpot and it came with a book with many recipes. Many of these recipes did not involve high-caloric foods.

Finding innovative choices for foods is difficult at times, but search for recipes, cook books and other help that may open up some interesting food choices for you, yet allow you to follow your goals to lose weight. If you know of people in your circle of friends or workplace who are similarly trying to lose weight, exchange recipes and ideas. Try to make the effort more fun.

When boredom sets in, we are more apt to stary off course

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