Monday, February 9, 2009

weight loss and salad bars

I was out at a Ruby Tuesdays last night for dinner and I had, as part of my meal, their famous salad bar. What an array of "stuff"! Lots of weight-friendly choices such as lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots and other vegetables. Lots of unweight-friendly choices such as high-fat appearing cheese, raisons, croutons, chocolate pudding, very rich dressings, and other stuff that would definitely not be compatible with a weight losing strategy. The other issue is that if you order a meal, this delectable salad bar only costs $2.99...a deal!

The point here is there are "salads" that can be helpful to your weight loss plans and "salads" that you are fooling yourself with if you think it is a compatible choice. One could easily, at that salad bar heap over 2000 calories on one plate. And that would be on top of the meal that is coming afterwards. One could most definitely mix together a salad at that bar, with a very low fat dressing, that would be a good strategy, but thought must prevail, not impulsive picking at an "all you can eat" bar.

Have a great Monday!

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