Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Choosing Health

Personal story: Last week my brother was admitted to a hospital in New Jersey for treatment of a leg infection which was extensive. He has had a history of diabetes and when he was admitted, laboratory testing showed that the diabetes was under very poor control. Due to lots of work stress and other issues, my brother was not as vigilant as he should have been, thereby allowing the diabetes to worsen, predisposing him to such a severe infection.

Weight control has always been a problem for him and in his fifties, he had an angioplasty.

Controlling diabetes is essential to warding off the end results of organ damage attributed to poor sugar control. Heart attacks, stroke, kidney failure, blindness, peripheral vascular disease, and ncreased risk of infection are all at increased risk in a diabetic. It is estimated by the year 2030, 35% of the American population will have diabetes mellitus. Why? The answer is obesity. If this trend is not reversed, if we think that now healthcare expenditures are way out of control and threatening the already burdened economy, then in 20 years, the system will indeed collapse. We can all do our part...and that is to choose health over foods that make us overweight. Choosing health over immediate gratification is a difficult choice, but it is the smart one for many reasons

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