Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Yet Another Quck Fix for Weight Loss

Yesterday a patient brought in a print ad for some supplement that supposedly "detoxified the body at the same time causing weight loss". The testimonial "users" of the product in the article were claiming 21 pounds in 21 days of weight loss! A mircale pill! Clear the evil substances out of your body and at the same time you lose a pound a day. The way I figure, that means that they had a pound of really nasty stuff in them a day that needed to leave.

Okay, time for the good Doctor P to burst the bubble: IT DOESN'T WORK.

Clearly, the lose of weight requires "work"...watching calories, elminating damaging food sources, exercising more etc. There is no simple fix. Even the surgial procedures are not the long term answer. We have many people in our program who have gone through various procedures such as lapbands, gastric bypass etc and they gain weight back.

Please always be very leery of any advertised weight loss pill that promises miraculous, easy results. Take it from a guy in the supplement business who markets a serotonin supplement: Thta is why we have a full blown program as well as accompanying literature to our serotonin bottles that we send to people outside the area. Supplements do not work alone: There needs to be some effort on the caloric intake and caloric burnoff sides.

Remember: If something sounds too good to be true, it usually is! (Except the Serotonin-Plus Weight Loss Program...it is GREAT!!!! smiling....okay..enough self-egrandizing for the morning!!!)

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