Sunday, August 17, 2008

weight loss and dinner out

Okay...before we begin..word of the day (i was advised by my team of marketing specialists NOT to put in a daily word, but i guess by judging from the 8500 comments that my word of the day was missing for 2 straight days, i will now daily place a word in ( was really one comment, but I do aim to please!) here it is : SUZANNE (one person will get this joke)

I was out to dinner last evening at Morton's and the first thing placed on the table was this huge, warm, tempting onion breaf loaf. Of course, butter was served with it....then the waitress came by first taking drink orders....then, after explaining the menu, she informed us that their souffles and some of their other specialty desserts needed to be ordered while ordering the main meal.

The thought hit me that if an alcohol drink(s) were ordered, the bread was eaten, and the dessert with the liquid chocolate at the center was ordered, from a weight management standpoint, the evening would have been a disaster. However, if there was sparkling water or a diet beverage ordered, no bread consummed, and no dessert ordered, then the meal, consisting of a seafood appetizer, a steak, steamed broccoli would have been incredibly compatible with weight loss efforts. Same ambience, same great company, same smiles and laughs....all without the "extra" calories. Also, after eating that food, I cannot say that we felt any "hunger" afterwards.

So, the message of today (other than Posner will DAILY put in a word of the day) is to try to identify at retaurants what the needless calories are, and still be able to have just as much fun!

1 comment:

Susanne said...

Love the word for the day...