Monday, August 11, 2008

Weight Loss and Plan

If you follow football, you will see that the quarterback has a bunch of plays on his wristband and he is in contact with the coach on the sideline. The coach calls the play and the quarterback then alerts his teammates in the huddle as to the call. The quarterback sometimes has to refer to his "cheatsheet" on the wrist to make certain his instructions in the huddle match up to the scripted play. Frequently, a team has it's first 10 plays already scripted and the plan is set. If there was no play called or no master plan in effect and the quarterback had to audible (call the play at the line of scrimmage) everytime, odds would be strong that the offense will not do very well.

What does this have to do with weight loss? Okay, here is my analogy: You get on the scale (word of the day: Mermaid) after a weekend of some fun and parties, and you see your weight has gone up by 3 pounds. If you really do not have a plan in place to do something about this, then you will become distracted and the next week it may be up another several pounds, and then another, etc. Obviously, when you are in our program being seen weekly, we are here to monitor the situation and help you with your gamplan and strategy to get the weight off. However, when you are not with us, you are on your own to have a plan in place to shed the pounds you strive for.

I would recommend that you "script" your plan, meaning that if you get on the scale and see 4 pounds of weight gain, you have a certain exact plan in mind to lose that 4 pounds. (Perhaps Phase 1 of our Transitional Serotonin-Plus Dietary Plan for 1-2 weeks?) If it is 1 pound, you have a different plan (Phase 2?). Keep that clipboard with your weight and date next to your scale and monitor this weekly and have your plan already scripted out. This will go a long way in helping you achieve your goals.

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