Wednesday, August 20, 2008

weight gain and college

Yesterday we talked a bit about childhood obesity but another topic that we should separate out is the college bound late teenagers. Many of my patients are now packing up and leaving to bring their kids to college, many as freshmen. The joke has always been "the freshman 15" which alludes to the weight gain that most first year college students experience when they return from their first year. Why does this happen? The obvious reasons are the alcohol ("my kid will not drink in college until they are 21"...yeah right, and if you believe in fairies, clap your hands), the food plans which include the "all you can eat" place as well as every fast food place imaginable in campus, the vending machines in every hallway and the late night eating that occurs. If your child is already overweight, you can bet the situation will not get better with a much better chance of your child gaining even more weight. What can you, as a parent,do to prevent this situation?

Your ability to intervene in this situation is in fact vey limited. Implore your child to make the right choices, point out the detrimental physical and social issues that will impact the life of an overweight person, sit down and discuss how to approach the food choices available in a healthy way, and perhaps (I know I will get some pretty angry comments on this one) even consider a bribe. Actually a better word is "incentive". We all, no matter what our age, perform better when there is an incentive that our success will bring a tangible award. ( Word of the Day: James Bond) Appealing to an 18 year old by telling them they will have less chance of coronary artery disease when they reach 60 is not very tangible. A new IPOD is.

Anyway, safe travels if you are bringing your child to college and for you firsttimers, here is my advice: Mom, crying is okay, but please do not make your husband pry your fingers away from hugging your baby in front of the other will embarrass your child! They are about ready to experience some of the best 4 year period of their lives. Smile, and think about how clean their rooms will be!

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