Tuesday, August 26, 2008

weight loss and quick choices

Yesterday I saw two different patients whose weight loss was minimal and both described a very hectic week in which there was little time to do a "real" lunch necessitating a fast food drive through lunch eaten in the car. Both patients stated they made their best efforts...buns came off the burgers, only a few of the fries, etc.

A few points here: First, planning your meals in advance, especially when you know a particular week will be very difficult, is a very important step you need to make for long term success in managing weight. Perhaps if you know you will be in the car during lunchtime, either resort to an approved protein bar and water or build in the time necessary to stop for 15 minutes and eat a prepared meal you brought in a cooler. Perhaps some type of protein (tuna,chicken,steak) on a bed of vegetables. Planning is at the very enter of a long term strategy.

Second point: No fast food places! They test the very fabric of our human nature eating issues (let us remember the 'Supersize" issues and the promotions that make it seem stupid not to get the fries and soda with your sandwich). The yougurt parfaits and salads are loaed with calories and there are really litte-no "healthy" choices available. The fast food places get us into the weight trouble to begin with and they will not be able to get you out of it.

Planning meals and avoiding the ease of drive thru places are time cnsumming and make life more difficult for us. But always try to remember the reasons as to why you want to lose weight, and the planning will be well worth your efforts.

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