Sunday, June 29, 2008


I was out running around Burke Lake Park the other day and paid attention to the faces of people who were running by me in the opposite direction. (I didn't mean people running past me because they were faster than me, so please stop the age jokes going through your mind). For a number of people, there was a look of anguish on their faces. It was hot, humid, and not easy to run in this environment. I started thinking about other venues in which you see people, and my first thought was that you almost NEVER see a look of anguish on the face of a person at a restaurant. Everyone appears to be happy, smiling, enjoying the moment.

Point here is that the reason why so many people avoid exercise is because it is not really a "fun" activity. We know it is healthy for us, will help in our weight loss efforts, and globally produces more energy, but while we are doing the exercise, it is not all that much fun. Least you doubt that statement, next time you are at a gym, look around and you will see most people with IPODS, headsets, watching tv, etc...all meant to distract themselves from the activity being performed. Now think of a one seems to want to be distracted from that activity.

For me, when I am playing tennis, I do not realize that I am "exercising" because I am into the competition, enjoying the activity (if I win), etc. Running for me is much more boring and I constantly seek diversion through listening to music or watching a sports event on TV.

Try to find activities that are not things you loathe. For instance, a number of people despise running on a treadmill. Obviously, if that was the only exercise available to them, they will find every excuse in the book why NOT to do it: "I have been working so many hours on the job." "The kids are so busy with soccer." "My knees hurt when I run." For those people who hate running, explore other activities that burn calories that you may find more fun. Certainly during the summer, swimming is a great sport. Hiking, rowing boats, "boot camps" that personal trainers run may all be activities that you will find more fun. Everyone of course is different, so individually, if you are not exercising at all right now, explore the activities that will allow your heart rate to go up, yet you enjoy doing that activity.

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