Friday, June 6, 2008

Serotonin, weight loss and worms

A study summary was released on Reuters yesterday which demonstrated the affects of serotonin on fat metabolism and weight loss.

The issue of brain chemical balance on appetite/eating behaviors has been well documented previously but this study supports the serotonergic mechanisms involved in weight loss. As we have the only patented oral serotonin supplement in our program, we found this study very interesting.

Brain chemicals modulate many behavioral patterns in humans, and eating behaviors are certainly affected. Why do most people turn to food in times of stress? Why do some people stop eating when confronted with stress?

Just as we inherit eye color, height, etc. from our family, we also inherit brain chemical imbalances. That is why depression, anxiety, OCD, panic disorder and other "psychiatric" conditions seem to occur more commonly in families. Similarly, at least part of the weight problem you notice in a family unit has some basis in inherited chemical issues. Of course, environmental factors plays a large role as well.

Weekend coming up..set up some exercise time for yourself!

1 comment:

Susanne said...

Speaking of taking the time for exercise this week-end...don't forget The Race for the Cure on Saturday the 7th of June. All these people walking/running for a cure and also getting in their exercise.