Monday, June 9, 2008

More on serotonin

Check this out....Here is another article on the benefits of increased serotonin. It certainly makes the point for continuing on serotonin well after your weight loss is achieved.

2 comments: by day...... said...

That was a very interesting article. Thank you for sharing. It's one thing to take a supplement but it means more to this blogger to understand the other ways that it helps me overall.

I have to say that my "lows" are not nearly as hard to deal with or as "low" as they used to be before starting the Serotonin. Plus, none of the nasty SSRI side effects.

Of course, there is the added plus (or minus) of the weight loss to go along with it!

Irishiz said...

Chocolate contains serotonin?????

Then why wasn't I losing this much weight eating those Hershey bars?

Instead I try to convince myself that my chocolate calcium chews are dessert...

...and it is totally worth it! :-)