Friday, August 14, 2009

weight loss and frustration

I strongly advise my patients NOT to weigh themselves everyday. Due to fluid changes, salt intake the day before, etc., you may see the weight go up despite following a very aggressive dietary intake. Once a week, when we weigh our patients, sometimes the patient will experiecne a minimal weight loss, no weight loss and even a weight gain without any reason for this. The affected person usually gets a very defeated, frustrated look on his/her face and I try very hard to pump the person up, explain how this can happen, and implore the affected individual to NOT get frustrated.

After frustration comes the "give up"mentality and that affectively ends the person's efforts to lolse weight. Psychologically, the attitude becomes: "why even bother?" and then the efforts to become healthier cease.

As mentioned previously, each week will be its own battle and sometimes the battle will not be won. That is okay. the next week(s) will be big "wins". Do not let frustration set in!

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