Thursday, May 14, 2009

good morning from London

Okay, so this week will be less about revelations about losing weight but more about Guillivers Travel...I mean Posner's travels but let me see if I can find some pertinent points. First of all for all my airline travelers, you must definitely need to bring your foods to the airport because if you rely on the airport food places, calories will pack on. Also, do NOT bring those snack things on the plane like trail mix, nut packs etc...I fould myself mindlessly eating those things by the 5th hour. I can see just fromm the late nite cab ride that Londoners are less weight than americans. But every pub I drove by was full of people drinking huge beers so tonight I will need to ask some random people here their thoughts... I had a steak sanswich at the hotel bar last nite when i arrived and it sucked...maybe this is a contributing issue...the food sucks so people eat less. Also, the dollar here doesnt get you much, so if you want lots of food, you will need to pay lots and lots for it. Not like the good oldbuffet at the Mirage in Vegas! Lots more tomorrow! Also,, thanks to my GREAT staff for allowing me the ability to be here!!! They are seeing patients daily and if you need their help, just call. Also, my cell works here and I am in touch lots of times if anyone has any problems they need my opinion on.

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