Sunday, May 24, 2009

matching food intake to age

I would bet that most of you, certainly including me, eat far less than we did when we were in our late teens/early 20s. Despite eating many more calories back then (and lots more alcohol) weight issues never seemed to be a problem. Metabolism was such that the calories seemed to just burn off quickly. Then, especially for women, as you progress through the 20s, 30s, 40s, metabolism seems to slow down dramatically. You find that if you even came close to eating the amount you used to eat in college, the weight starts packing on.

Matching caloric intake to age-adjusted metabolism issues is very difficult because its not as if there is some computer chip in your head telling you just how much you can consume without putting weight on, with adjustments based on age. The key for weight control is monitoring your weight and then adjusting caloric intake and exercise to establish a weight that you want. Clearly, as time progresses we need to adjust downward the caloric intake or weight will increase.

Time for a run at the park with Tanner the dog. Have a great Sunday!

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