Friday, December 19, 2008

Winter Weather Advisory and Weight

It has been very nasty outside..dark, cloudy, seems many many months ago that the birds were singing, sunrise was bringing warmth and the flowers looked beuatiful. Those morning, it was a great chance to take a walk or jog outside. Now? forget about that! dismal, dark and cold. We feel like rolling over in bed and staying asleep.

Exercise levels are prone to drop off and if we do not adjust our eating, weight will start going up instead of our desired loss.

During these months, it will be very helpful to have in a warm, well-lit basement, exercise equipment which will allow you to get that exercise in. Yes, belonging to a gym is great, but if you know your personality is such that you will have trouble getting up, dressed and to the gym before work, then home equipment is your answer. Putting this equipment in front of a tv set to provide entertainment will make the exercise time go by easier.

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