Tuesday, December 30, 2008

losing weight over the holidays

One of the patients I saw yesterday had a very successful weight loss week despite the holiday festivities. I asked her the "secret to success". Her answer: Take only small tastes of the high-caloric foods and not large portions. Also, pick the few items that are most desirable to you and have small portions of those, but leave the other high-caloric foods/desserts that are not as appealing to you completely untouched. Also, she recommended that because there are fewer hours at work during holiday weeks, she scheduled more exercise time. The patient also expressed lots of happiness that she decided to embark on weight loss before the holidays as opposed to packing on the pounds and doing the New Year's Resolution thing.

Alcohol is a major barrier to effective weight loss and if, on New Years Eve you have a choice of doing booze or doing a good dessert...opt for the dessert.

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